Always Closer Never There
ARONS Land Cargo Co.
megjelenés: 2016
ISBC kód: Keressük!
zeneszerző: ARONS Land Cargo Co.
napi megtekintések: 4
megtekintések száma: 687

megjelenés: 2016
ISBC kód: Keressük!
zeneszerző: ARONS Land Cargo Co.
napi megtekintések: 4
megtekintések száma: 687
Nemzetközi monstre koncert Ukrajnáért a SZIGETTEL
Leaves’ Eyes: viking mítoszokról zenél áprilisi koncertjén a zenekar
A Grammy-díjas Michael W. Smith Veszprémben
Magyar Dal Napja program - Új Palota főtér
Már hallgatható a közmédia online meserádiója, a Csukás Meserádió
Ezt ne hagyd ki! Menj nyelvtáborba a Kelemen Kabáttal!
Tudósítás: A Hooligans a Budapest Parkban koncertezett
Autós indie jó áron érdekel? - Bulgarian Cartrader először Budapesten
Jazzy Fesztivál 2016
szeptember 15-18.
Tehetséges zenekarokat karol fel Majka, a Margaret Island és a Punnany Massif
Ingyenes koncerttel indul Pécsett a Yettel Stage zenei platform
Az 50 éves Edda Gödöllőn koncertezik
Weöres Sándor inspirálta: megszólalnak a műtárgyak a Szentendrei Régi Művésztelep új kiállításán
Megjelent a MikroBe legújabb dala!
Készítsetek hozzá videoklipet!
Nemzetközi monstre koncert Ukrajnáért a SZIGETTEL
Leaves’ Eyes: viking mítoszokról zenél áprilisi koncertjén a zenekar
A Grammy-díjas Michael W. Smith Veszprémben
Magyar Dal Napja program - Új Palota főtér
Már hallgatható a közmédia online meserádiója, a Csukás Meserádió
Ezt ne hagyd ki! Menj nyelvtáborba a Kelemen Kabáttal!
Tudósítás: A Hooligans a Budapest Parkban koncertezett
Autós indie jó áron érdekel? - Bulgarian Cartrader először Budapesten
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Homeward Bound
Tumbling down the river of my ordinary life I’m always lost in things happening to me, But sometimes somehow I can see it from above just like from a bridge And the river really knows the wa
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
No Man's Land
Empty plains as far as you can see In the evening turning into red, That’s where dusk found us after hot days Out of town it blessed us with its breeze. How many times I left town forever
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Small and Great
So look where we are! It’s like the world ends here. Have you seen a view like this before? You have to stand right here To know that all the sweat That brought you here was not in vain at
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ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
In The Middle Of Nothing
Night after day, Day after night, Line after line In the middle of nothing. Miles, countless miles. Go! That’s the price. You chose this life In the middle of nothing. Try not to
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ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Yellowed Photographs
A baby was born and did not wail, That’s how he started his struggle of life. That time and place For a problem child it looked hard to get by. Days in the town were gray and wasted. Sta
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ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Here I’m staring At the mirror asking Why I’m everything But what I planned to be? Is it my fault? Is it life’s reward? Have I passed the point Of having control over the wheel?
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Countless nights of daydream Every night the same Rolls the Caravan In mist and pouring rain Wheels they wear the road The engine howls and roars We’re ghosts in the night Searching
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Simple Rule
Are you feeling tired And running out of steam? Fallen on the ground And winded on your knees? Listen brother let me make it clear, No need for mama’s boys here. Strong win weak lose
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ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Road to Canaan
Out here in the distance Drifting through the days I’m wondering if I’m moving Or is it the world going by? I see fields and mountains And rivers of time flowing by And a place in my
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ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Homeward Bound
Tumbling down the river of my ordinary life I’m always lost in things happening to me, But sometimes somehow I can see it from above just like from a bridge And the river really knows the wa
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
No Man's Land
Empty plains as far as you can see In the evening turning into red, That’s where dusk found us after hot days Out of town it blessed us with its breeze. How many times I left town forever
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Small and Great
So look where we are! It’s like the world ends here. Have you seen a view like this before? You have to stand right here To know that all the sweat That brought you here was not in vain at
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
In The Middle Of Nothing
Night after day, Day after night, Line after line In the middle of nothing. Miles, countless miles. Go! That’s the price. You chose this life In the middle of nothing. Try not to
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Yellowed Photographs
A baby was born and did not wail, That’s how he started his struggle of life. That time and place For a problem child it looked hard to get by. Days in the town were gray and wasted. Sta
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Here I’m staring At the mirror asking Why I’m everything But what I planned to be? Is it my fault? Is it life’s reward? Have I passed the point Of having control over the wheel?
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Countless nights of daydream Every night the same Rolls the Caravan In mist and pouring rain Wheels they wear the road The engine howls and roars We’re ghosts in the night Searching
tovább a dalszöveghez
ARONS Land Cargo Co.:
Simple Rule
Are you feeling tired And running out of steam? Fallen on the ground And winded on your knees? Listen brother let me make it clear, No need for mama’s boys here. Strong win weak lose
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