
Petruska András

A long-lost treasure’s hidden in the city maze
Will your face light up from the gloomy haze?
A destination flickers, my feet can’t stand the pace,
Oh, I know I have to roam

I grab my coat and wrap it tight around my soul
Never let the city smoke swallow me whole
Night lights blind me, I can’t find my way home
So I know I have to roam

All the rules I’m made to keep weigh me down like lead on my shoes
There’s so much to live up to, who can tell which way’s mine to choose?

Why is it, that all I long to find is peace,
Then once it’s mine, I can no longer be at ease?
Change comes knocking in, as easy as a breeze,
And I feel I have to roam

All the rules I’m made to keep weigh me down like lead on my shoes
There’s so much to live up to, who can tell which way’s true to choose?

I am the keeper of myself
I know, my doubts must all come to an end
With you here’s where my mind’s at ease now
I know I'll find peace

As I walk along the crowded city streets
Listen truthfully to my inner beats,
Instinct folds me up, it’s destiny that cheats,
Then I know I’ve stopped to roam
előadó: Petruska András
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2016
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Petruska András

szövegíró: Szőke Szandra

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1142
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