In the early hours
Antonia Vai
“Of course, sir, extra foam, single or double shot?”
So hard not to let my mind fly away
While I keep on serving people what they want
Oh, I’ve stayed up too many nights in a row
“Credit or cash? Drink in or take away?”
What if I’ld just leave the orders, put on a big show?
Take my coat and walk right out
And leave without my pay
I’ve been telling you, this town is getting old
Everyone I know wants to get out of here
I keep hearing all this talking ’bout New York
Neon lights and traffic for the restless ears
This is not where we are meant to stay forever
At least while planning our escape, we’re in this together
Oh, this is not a place for nightbirds and owls
The streets are worn out
At least we can say they’re ours
In the early hours
Oh, they’re only ours
We can stir the night up
Then wake up and behave again
Hey, since you’re asking, yeah, I’m quite proud to say
That I’ve seen a lot more than I’ve ever wanted
I’m not the one to look the other way
When streets get blocked and crowded
I need to finish all these things I’ve started
Need to finish songs I promised they would hear
Oh, I know, babe, this is never what you wanted
If you wait a bit for me, I’ll be ready soon, my dear
I’ld go anywhere for love, that’s all I know
And if that love ever tries to tie me down
I’ld leave that love, that’s how easily I go
Find the closest shore before I drown
Over seas and over lands and once back home again
We can sit and smile at how everything began
This might not be a place for passionate clowns
But when the streets are quiet
At least we can say they’re ours
In the early hours
Oh, they’re only ours
We can stir the night up
Then wake up and behave again
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2012
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Antonia Vai
szövegíró: Antonia Vai
stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 625