

Lost souls are coming into town
They are considered as the ass of the cow
Coming in the rain, belief in their brain
Beloved are bemoaning beneath their way

Lords of the pain, dark power gained
Black clouds are meeting right above my fait
Girl of the ground, she's tearing my wounds
Love with the fear, will I ever be found

Overdriven part of my heart, will I ever set it free
Reptiles of love are roamin for free
Will Jack ever kill thee

Don't be supicious, you are the vicious
A face from the morgue, like shit of the fishes
Deadline is coming, I see myself like my own mummy
I used to be killed, Death is used to be my best buddy

Her heart is pumping acid through her veins
Her arms are touching me, like hurting chains
Wandering spirits, who make me really blind
Escaping from the hell of my own mind.
előadó: Veni-Styx
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zeneszerző: Torres Dániel

szövegíró: Torres Dániel

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3075
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
