Demon High

Heaven Street Seven

I know a girl and she's the best in the world
But she is up in the sky
So demon high, I don't even try
And I know many others, but each of them bothers me
In a million ways, it's the same old case
Can't hide from these days, this place was built for chase

Now I got to give it a stray
'cause I don't want to lose my sense to play

I need a very nutty house
In a very rutty world
Very nutty boys getting
Very pretty girls
I need a very nutty scene
In a very rusty game
Where everytime I went to bed I'd forget the name

Sometimes I'm crazy, when there's nothing to save me
Or just that's what I think
Or someone on the sly must have put something into my drink
She says: Don't cry for the waiter,
'cause he just can't tell you why,
You haven't ordered this
But we decided you to try

It did not take much time
'til you said: I forgive
I said, I'd never do it again
But in the mind I busily hatched my plan

előadó: Heaven Street Seven
album címe: Goal
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: Magneoton
zeneszerző: Balczer Gábor
Németh Róbert
Orbán Gyula
Szűcs B. Krisztian

szövegíró: Szűcs B. Krisztian

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3801
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
