Crowd Of Nobodies


If you will turn on your own back on that
You'll never gonna see
This is all that play that makes you live
This is your game play until feel that burn on the flame
Then rise above the fire
You gonna reach your desire
Gonna get is again
But this is just a neverending..!
If you will turn on your own back on that
You never gonna see
The rouletteball rolls may set you free(set you free)
If you will turn on your own back on that
You never gonna see
Gotta trust yours self need to belive
Now this is your route and reasons just follow
It's gamble but i feel the same
Thousands of reasons to stay away
No reason to get away
Don't watch the story that goes by
Gamble to be
This is your game play until feel that burn on the flame
This is just a neverending
If you will turn on your own back on that
You never gonna see
The ruoletteball rolls may set you free
It is the way that used to be
If it's a thing that seems to be
A thing that's not to follow
Hold me my dear till belive
Always will tomorrow it brings me
Something new
Not afraid of darkness
Got my light it's you!
előadó: Subscribe
album címe: Sanity Has Left the Building
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: 0:00
kiadó: HMR Music Kft. / EDGE Records
zeneszerző: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté

szövegíró: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté

stílus: modern metál, rock
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 27163
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
