The Humidor (Butirometer)

Cut the bones
Any of you tasted it?
Smell the skin, dolly the chemical!
Why did you offer the straight bulls eye?
Gimme some knowledge!
Rather! Gimme some knowledge!
Imagine that you are a bull
you step inside so cruel
No, no use to resist hold out your fist
you're a blist-er-I-think you should never
pont "right" a finger at a hoove!
Offer me the straight bulls eye you flock!
I bet on your bull,
his botherin' footsteps are sounds cruel
procures an outcry
Im getting you as a bull
your botherin' footsteps in pharmacy
would clap
procures an outcry
The unction
The capsules
The minibar
The reagents
rain drops in pestle, aye!
The humidor is mesured by
thermometer, aspirin, predensified oxigen
the cocaine in kittens blood,
your sloth just makes me laugh
Can you see the symmetry in skew
Black bull pissed all over you
Feketebikapatakopogapatikapepitakövén x4
Strippin' the flesh of yours
To dolly the chemical eye!
Why did you offer me the straight bulls eye? x2
Gimme some knowledge
Strip the flesh, cut the bones to dolly
'tasted it, smelled the skin to dolly?
Gimme some knowledge!
Don't wanna bother, no don't wanna bother
I bet on your bull,
his botherin' footsteps are sounds cruel
procures an outcry
Im getting you as a bull
your botherin' footsteps in pharmacy
would clap
the hell out of you .
album címe: Stuck Progress To Moon
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: HMR Music Kft. / EDGE Records
zeneszerző: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté
szövegíró: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté
stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 14054