

Fire we sing unto your flames
Leap we ever to the moonlight
Fire the night you ever take
Dance we ever as the wind sighs
Anthem to time unbound
Melody of the ages
Give in to sacred sound
To the harmony of sages

Ancient dael, mist hovers nigh
Fire from the mantle sheathing light
Dawn speaking volumes to wake aged song
Woods listen softly ever long
Bleak be the mountains rising in twain
Traveler weary rest in vain
Chant in the ways of timeless lore
We sing firesong bring wisdom once more

Fire we sing unto your flames
Leap we ever to the moonlight
Fire the night you ever take
Dance we ever as the wind sighs
Anthem to time unbound
Melody of the ages
Give in to sacred sound
To the harmony of sages

Mystic carol spin your spell
Teach us the wisdom for deep is thy well
(Your) lyrical message ever we heed
A blood-red moon hears our fire's lied
Bleak be the mountains rising in twain
Traveler weary rest in vain
Chant in the ways of timeless lore
Sing firesong be weary no more

Fire we sing unto your flames
Leap we ever to the moonlight
Fire the night you ever take
Dance we ever as the wind sighs
Anthem to time unbound
Melody of the ages
Give in to sacred sound
To the harmony of sages
előadó: NOX
album címe: Bűvölet
megjelenés: 2003
hossz: 4:25
kiadó: Universal Music - Zebra
zeneszerző: Harmath Szabolcs
Vizy Márton

szövegíró: Valla Attila

stílus: Népdal
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 7281
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