
Look at me!
Have you ever seen me,what?
Look at me!
I know you
Look at me!
It's me
You live in me
You've moved into me
Sometimes you manipulate me
A fight against me
Hey you,nip out your blade
And play with me for your dear life
Don't run away
All right,I'm here,you blamed,I kill you
But first of all I have to say
"Mess with the best,die like the rest"
Show me girl,you need freedom to live

More world is in her head
It's too much for mad
Save me,save me
I fall,Dad!

The fight is startin',swords are sparkin'
Sweat is on the foreheads
Cut is on the bodies,the blood is splutterin'
The power is wastin',fencers are weakenin'
And suddenly one of them is sinkin' on his knees
And he is sayin' that
Please,don't stab your sword into my bleedin' heart
Your gun removes me
Please,don't stab your sword into my feelin' heart
Your arms remove me
The fight is goin' on,fencers are hittin' again
Swords are sparkin' again,new cut is on the bodies
The blood is splutterin' again
The power is wastin' apace
Fighters are weakenin' fast
The power has wasten,a cut is on the neck

Have you ever seen war?
Here comes the freedom!
You,dead man
I kill you,dead man
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napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2019
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
