All Roads Lead To Rome


In the blink of an eye you're ready burn everything we've built for ourselves. Your imagery of welfare just makes us belive and surrender false gods, who sit on thier altars built from human blood and suffering, while watching this new are gladiator-game and selling us the feeling of security. And we just close our eyes end let the suffering screams bypass our ears, while milloions are condemned to breathe dead air in these deadly fields. Freedom restricted. Voices unheard. We use each other, we abuse each other, we kill each outher. Just to be the first, just to be the best. just to obey some set of values someone else showed us. Passionate existece seems to be disappeared in this mad and inhuman fight for questionable welfare. Everybody dies, but most of us doesn't live, just survives. But the flame of hope is still alive, and I call all those who still care. The flame of hope is still alive and I call all those who still want more. IN THESE DESPERATE DAYS WE STILL STRIVE FOR FREEDOM.
előadó: Newborn
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szövegíró: Jakab Zoltán

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napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 4875
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