The End Of Innocence


We came out in our thousand
On that revolutionary day
Each person a hero
As the system crumbled away

We made a promise
To be truthful and honest
No more would those liars carry the day

We proclaimed a new era of liberty
And an end to the years of tyranny
We shouted 'Down with corrupt ideology!
Let us reclaim our own identity!'

Nothing could stop us
Nothing at all
The power of love would conquer all
(The power of love would conquer all)

Who among us then would have thought it
With all our hearts and minds we'd have fought it
But in the end we can't deny that we bought it
The end of innocence comes to us all

The big bad enemy defeated
We strove to get along
But no longer was it so simple
Telling right from wrong

Broken friendships
Made us cruelly aware
Freedom is a serious affair
(Freedom is a serious affair)

A page of history was turning
Flames of hope within us burning
But in the end the liberty we were yearning
Was far too much for all our spirits to bear

Who among us then would have thought it
With all our hearts and minds we'd have fought it
But in the end we can't deny that we bought it
The end of innocence comes to us all
előadó: Ákos
album címe: Vertigo
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: FalconMedia
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: Duncan Shiels

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 4823
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