Broken down

The Crybabies

Sometimes I feel I stepped over the deadline
Devil eyes are looking for something new sacrifice
Sunshine, peace and love and a bird sees from above
And shoots a gun into the earth because it’s terrifying

Holy freeze falls to the world for a short time today
Somehow Iwill close my eyes and that will I pray:
Dear Lord, give me a sign, and please tell me how to find
A way to take my temperature, and health to amplify

Now, I ’m broken dawn, falling apart
Just sitting down, nothing can start
Don’t know, where do you are
Maybe in the block
It would be better to fuck
Good bye, see you soon,
I’m going away

As a misunderstood
Day after day
You know the rule:
I promise and lie
It would be better to (die)

Diving, or write a melody on a guitar
Now it’s time to see what stands in my own calendar
First day is the last, and the future is the past
It’s mixed together in one pattern
And no organized
előadó: The Crybabies
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zeneszerző: Prifer Barnabás
Soltész Péter
Varga Mátyás

szövegíró: Prifer Barnabás

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napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2462
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
