You'll never get inside of me
So what are you chasing?
You'll never catch love
It ain't work
Shut up and go on biting me
You'll never get inside of me
So what are you chasing?
You'll never catch love
It ain't worth to pray
Shut up and go on biting me
You'll never get inside of me
So why do you cry on my shoulders
While looking forward to
Squeeze me and grind me
Chop me up and make a mixture
Of features you'd like me to be
And the way you'd be adored
You scream and beg for more
Lord, I'm bored
You scream and beg for more
I'm alive. I'm breathing
Your hands on my neck
You whore
Squeeze me and grind me
Chop me up and make a mixture
Of features you'd like me to be
And the way you
Scream and beg for more
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zeneszerző: Apró Antal
Botka Zsolt
Mészáros Komáromy Dénes
szövegíró: Szabó Dávid
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napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2892