Magic Code

Irie Rocktrio

It's all about the money?
No, this is not about.
It's all about their future?
Yes, you have to work a lot...

Hey little sister,
You have to move your pretty ass!
Don't care about the future?
You always have to be aware!

My friends are all alone,
They're waiting for the magic code!
Just sitting in their studio,
Dreaming all, all about the magic code!

Grab your dirty money,
Get down to the club!
Don't be silly honey,
Just listen to the Doc!

Where the Hell you're going?!
Please don't give it up!
You should take a U-turn,
Show me how to rock!

My friends are all alone,
They're waiting for the magic code!
Just sitting in their studio,
Dreaming all, all about the magic

My friends are all alone
They're waiting for the magic code
It's time to lock n load
No more waiting, waiting for the magic

Waiting for the magic
Waiting for the magic
Waiting for the magic

The night was so frisky,
I'm waiting for the Sun!
Drank to much whiskey,
Tomorrow I'll be gone...

My friends are all alone,
They're waiting for the magic code!
Just sitting in their studio,
Dreaming all, all about the magic

My friends are all alone
They're waiting for the magic code
It's time to lock n load
No more waiting, waiting for the magic

Waiting for the magic
Waiting for the magic
Waiting for the magic
előadó: Irie Rocktrio
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Dési Tamás
Havas Miklós
Scheer Viktor
Szekér Ádám

szövegíró: Horváth Gergely Ambrus

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 2456
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