White Flavour

Meet Me Midway

heart heated house, cinnamon flavour flies
mulled wine fumes in the husk
the eyes are gleaming of the candle’s light
snow covered day now has come

to pass away a blessed and quiet night Christmas Eve by
our loved ones in peace and calm
’cause Christmas comes once in a twelvemonth

angels signs on the ground sleigh’s marks’ twine
in the sugar toped forest
snowflakes shine in the northern lights
white flavour falls from the sky

to make a heartwarming, saint Yule-tide, cuddle tight your loved ones with all your heart
’cause Christmas comes once in a twelvemonth


christmas carols adorned by bells all along
join the quire and sing from
the top of your lungs
’cause Christmas comes once in a twelvemonth
előadó: Meet Me Midway
album címe: keressük!
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szövegíró: Béky Patrik

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napi megtekintések: 3
megtekintések száma: 1917
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