

I gotta tell you one last time,
there was a girl, a friend of mine,
I met her once, and I fell in love with her. (fell in love with her)
2nd date was a miracle,
my friend was there and I told her
not to stay with us tonight.

I don't feel the pain
my girfriends gone,
but I feel, I'm the same.
I don't feel the pain
my girfriends gone,
but I feel, I'm the same everyday!

We went down to the parking lot,
my car was there and she said
do not dare to kiss me not. (dare to kiss me not)
But everything has turned out wrong
she was a dick I wasn't strong,
I'm better off alone!

Do you think I always say, I'm better of alone.
But I say I take my time to contemplate it all.
to contemplate it all............

I don't feel the pain
my girfriends gone,
but I feel, I'm the same.
I don't feel the pain
my girfriends gone,
but I feel, I'm the same everyday!
előadó: Nikson
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Kiss Dániel
Nagyszokolyai Márton
Ormosi Olivér
Vértesi Bálint

szövegíró: Nagyszokolyai Márton
Ormosi Olivér

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2849
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