Keep on waiting
The Carbonfools

That there all can Saint Peter
He yell to stop me, close that entry
Push me out of his way
So I said please, let me in sir
I think I served my time time time
But he said no, you cannot stay,
You still look too fine
And he said:
Keep on waiting’, Keep on waiting’
Keep on waiting’, outside-side
Go to hell first, down to your earth
And show them what you hide
Down on earth, I’m looking at you
’Couse I think you might might might
Be the one who I supposed to
Open up my mind
Keep on tryin’ keep on tryin’
Keep on search inside-side-side
Better have you Couse it’s dark here
You can sign the light
album címe: Carbonsweet
megjelenés: 2012
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: 1G Records
zeneszerző: Bicskei Titusz
Fekete István Péter
Keleti Tamás
Miklós Milán Márió
szövegíró: Bicskei Titusz
Fehér Balázs
stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 7170