Summer Time


In the summer time
We go dawn to
The beach tonight
Enjoy life!
This is our ime
Will party
All right (all right)
Lights in the nihgt
There's a party tonight
Together with friend
Drink booze ourselves

In the summer time
Everyone lives
Nothing is wrong
Dance till dawn
And tomorrow
Start over again
It's OKE (it's OKE)
We just play (we just play)
And about the night
Life is beautiful
We are so happy

In the summer time
Comes to us live
Come and party wit us!
A so good together
Because, after all
summer is here (summer is here)
In the summer time

Come on people
A huge party
Dance like crazy (dance like crazy)
Drink till dawn
Then cames the Detox
And, joints is sucked
Come the Cops,
And good fuck,
But who cares?
And sucking off,
My dick! (my dick)
Then can go fuck off
And let us be
To enjoy life
We drink, we sucked, we fuck
It's my life!

In the summer time
We go dawn to
The beach tonight
Enjoy life!
This is our ime
Will party
All right (all right)
Lights in the nihgt
There's a party tonight
Together with friend
Drink booze ourselves

In the summer time
Everyone lives
Nothing is wrong
Dance till dawn
And tomorrow
Start over again
It's OKE (it's OKE)
We just play (we just play)
And about the night
Life is beautiful
We are so happy

In the summer time
Comes to us live
Come and party wit us!
A so good together
Because, after all
summer is here (summer is here)
In the summer time

Come on people
A huge party
Dance like crazy (dance like crazy)
Drink till dawn
It's my life!
előadó: John
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2013
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Gershwin George

szövegíró: Gershwin Ira
Heyward Dubose Edwin

stílus: Pop
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1582
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