In my sleep


Nothing brings me down
I'm proud like a hill
When I'm in my sleep
Zion stands the storm and heat

People pass me by
Have no company
When I'm in my sleep
I let my feet follow the beat

Laughing all alone
Feels comfortable
When I'm in my sleep
Don't mind my Achilles-heel

Reset memory
With the words of God
Speaking in me
Now I'm holding all the keys

If it's true, let it go
Why try to heal the universe
When what you let in your mind
That is what you deserve

How come I'm aware
And it feels awake
When I'm in my sleep
Tender grass surrounds my feet

Reset memory
Whith the words of God
Speaking in me
Now I'm holding all the keys

Love rests everywhere
And I let it in
When I'm in my sleep
No clock hastening the pace

People pass me by
Have no company
When I'M in my sleep
I keep my hands around my face

If it's you, I let you know
That time erased my memory
But there is lust in my heart
For life without security

So what's due, let it come
As written by the universe
So much felt by this heart
But most of all
I love you
You know I do...
előadó: Manoya
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Hodosi Enikő
Lázár Tibor Imre

szövegíró: Hodosi Enikő

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 4749
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
