Killing Time

The Carbonfools

I thought I would be able
Just to stand up on the table
And I
Shout it out so loud that I’m so strong and I’m so tough
To fight down all this madness
And throw away my sadness
And I thought I was the one
I thought I’m smart enough

But when my things fell into trouble
And I felt like ash and rubble
And I realized that nothing works so easy as I thought
And here’s a man just praying even all the gods betraying
I wish I could just move away from the sadness that you cause

If I put you down
The pain returns
If I pick you up
You just make it worse
If I rule your world
I’d forget mine
And I don’t want to live just killing time

How it got started I don’t remember
Felt really bad on that rainy December
I’m missing my sun
My sorrow just began
I couldn’t help it
I was looking for someone
I want to live not just rollin’ around
Just hold my hand let’s get lost and never found
I laugh hard work hard on my sorrow
I know it’s no today it’s always tomorrow

If I put you down
The pain returns
If I pick you up
You just make it worse
If I rule your world
I’d forget mine
And I don’t want to live just killing time
előadó: The Carbonfools
album címe: Carbonbliss
megjelenés: 2014
hossz: 4:08
kiadó: 1G Records
zeneszerző: Bicskei Titusz
Fehér Balázs
Fekete István Péter
Miklós Milán Márió

szövegíró: Bicskei Titusz
Fehér Balázs
Fekete István Péter
Miklós Milán Márió

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2504
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