Radics Béla

Coming to me in the morning, leaving me at night.
Coming to me in the morning, leaving me alone.
You've got that rainbow feel but the rainbow has a beard.

Running to me a-cryin' when he throws you out.
Running to me a-cryin', on your own again.
You've got that pure feel, such good responses,
But the picture has a mustache.

You're coming to me with that soulful look on your face,
Coming looking like you've never ever done one wrong thing.

You're coming to me with that soulful look on your face.
You're coming looking like you've never ever done one wrong thing.

So many fantastic colors; I feel in a wonderland.
Many fantastic colors makes me feel so good.
You've got that pure feel, such good responses.
You've got that rainbow feel but the rainbow has a beard.
előadó: Radics Béla
album címe: Csodálatos utazás
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: 2:19
kiadó: Rockworld
zeneszerző: Brown Peter Constantine
Bruce John Symon Asher

szövegíró: Brown Peter Constantine
Bruce John Symon Asher

stílus: Rock
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 922
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