Freedom Calling

Attila Talan

Never gonna see the reason
why I feel; you alright
Now I want to get something to
hold on in the river of the night
In the river of the night
In the river of the night

Freedom calling! Hear my voice!
Leave the borders, leave the walls!
Freedom calling! Roll the dice!
Let me go, I’ll pay the price

I’ve never seen the shadow of
the light; in my mind
Far away from here I need to get
away and fly over the sky
Fly over the sky
Fly over the sky
Freedom calling! Hear my voice!
Leave the borders, leave the walls!
Freedom calling! Roll the dice!
Let me go, I’ll pay the price

Unlimited hunger
20 feet under
Little bit of passion
Maniac pollution
I don’t want to feel it
I never gonna leave it
I just want to chance it
Till’ I’m gonna make it

I know this is a deal
I can’t see what is real
But even you can’t just “Council”

“… The Promised Land… I may
not get there with you. But I want you
to know tonight, that we, as people,
will get to the Promised Land…!”

(Martin Luther King:
I’ve been to the Mountaintop)

Freedom calling! Hear my voice!
Leave the borders, leave the walls!
Freedom calling! Roll the dice!
Let me go, I’ll pay the price
előadó: Attila Talan
album címe: TLN
megjelenés: 2017
hossz: 3:59
kiadó: SilverHill
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: keressük!
stílus: Pop-Rock
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 703
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