You're Makin' Me High

Egyéb szövegek

Feel the wind behind the game,
And how the air is pulsing like a blood-filled vein.
One for Bonnie, one for Clyde,
Suddenly, the chains are down, the beast is all alive.

Smell the lust of a night so wild,
When I lose myself from your touch so soft and mild.
Dizzy passion’s gettin’ through,
Tonight, the man inside is crying out for you.

From the start,
You make my little heart
Explodin’ all apart,
Oh, so hard!

I want some love and some pleasure,
Kiss me now and ever,
‘Cause baby, you’re makin’ me high.
We share the same desire
To set this place on fire.
So, tell me what I gotta do
(Right here,) right now.

A sticky, weary day goes by,
And the body hurts, but never wants to die.
Although a full hand stops the pain,
No, I can’t refrain, I need to leave a stain…

‘Cause upside down and all around
I want your body, soul and everything I’ve found.
And on the wings of happiness
I would sail the sky to feel your sweet caress.



előadó: Egyéb szövegek
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Szabó Zoltán

szövegíró: Aigner Iván
Orbán Tamás

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 4533
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