

Summertime,at home alone
You start to do something wrong
'cuz you feel very strong
Yeah I know,girls on your floor
What can you do? If you say no,
Your friends will go home

Certainly I feel safe and clean
I just hate this world
And I only want to hold our love
'till the end of this world...

Summertime,party's over
You look (at)out of the window
The party girl stays on the corner and says:
I want you,I love you
What can I do,please leave me
Now I feel I'm ready for a new way

Certainly I feel safe and clean
I just hate this world
And I only want to hold our love
'till the end of this world...

Baby,hate me!Baby love me!

Summertime,part three
The girls comes back,you know
The girls like her are very very easy
I remember you,no
I can back for you,shit
Of course I'm happy to me see you
But now I've really gotta go

Certainly I feel safe and clean
I just hate this world
And I only want to hold our love
'till the end of this world...
Baby,don't hate me!
Baby ,I just told you...Certainly...
előadó: Waterfall
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: Peter Nádasdi

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3891
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

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