Broken glass (feat. Judie Jay)

Beat Dis

The cold sweat comes over me
When I leave the bar
I'm embedded in ordinariness
Like a stray blazing star
The street wakes memories of the past
And I hate this
Only my cigarette is with me
And gives me a hot kiss

I'm dirty the words stick in my throat
I'm dirty there is a story afloat
I'm dirty when I play the goat

I paint myself blacker than I am
Impassivity is on my face
Now I'm three-forth drunk
and decided, yeah I like my bad grace
I want to go on a bender
It's at my finger's end
I can't hold my hand
I can't hold my hand

Yeah he views himself through a broken glass,
Shades of black and grey, black and grey,
As if we were colour-blind, we see him shine
and silently we join the game, we join the game
előadó: Beat Dis
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2007
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Csigó Tamás
Déri Zoltán
Gergácz Gábor
Maitinsky Judit
óvári Adrián
Rozmán Zoltán
Scheer Viktor

szövegíró: Csigó Tamás
Maitinsky Judit

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3901
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