

Be - I wanna be what they want me to be
no way to learn, no way to see,
no way to see, what they turn me, before
they close the door, before i see some more
my enemy - I want to see who’s killing me
it’s so nonsense,
a good chance
I’m no more.
life’s so nonsence
if you’ve nothing to live for.
Dream - i used to dream about it, now I see
no more than lies, no more than fears,
turning me something I cannor believe,
but on a day I’ll find a way out from my cage
of their lies - and I’ll pay for all the kind
for being blind.
My sin is waiting, not using my mind.
I - I’ll never be what they force me to be
’cause I will learn how to be free
from their monotony
I will find out how to resist,
how to be one without lobotomy.
I will not sell none of my parts
without some fight, without some irony.
előadó: Wackor
album címe: METhAnoLid
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: 4:52
kiadó: Holosonic music
zeneszerző: Kükedi Gábor
Nagy Miklós Péter
Schleier Csaba

szövegíró: Kükedi Gábor
Nagy Miklós Péter
Schleier Csaba

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2661
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