
Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert

Well there’s a time and a place
And just from watching my face
You feel my every mood
Try to stand in my shoes

When someone hurts me, you cry
And when the darkening sky
Comes to wash me away
You give me courage to stay

When I lie you believe me
You need me
To be me

When I’m getting things wrong
And you’ve known all along
You just patiently smile
Leave me alone for a while
And not the words that you say
And not even the way
You make me feel in my head
You make me feel in your bed

When I lie you believe me
Trust me completely
You need me
To be me

Well there’s a time and a place
And just from watching my face
You feel my every mood
You try to stand in my shoes
Never asking me why
And if you leave me I’ll die
Because you know what it takes for you
To make me happy
előadó: Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert
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zeneszerző: Winchester Jamie

szövegíró: Winchester Jamie

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napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 10293
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