Who Can I Trust (Prayer)

I truly trusted in
Now it's the worst that I
Really hate
I can't understand why
People are so fake
But I know they will never
Too many lies so much pain
I face reality
My rage is rising I can't
Deny it.
I scream it out
I scream it out
Who can I trust
Who can I trust
Who can I trust
Oh god
Who can I trust
I suffer it's a part of the
World it's a part of my life
But what I can't expect is
Suffer from the hate what
I feel inside
Time is short burning fast
I try to find some forgiveness
My hate is rising I can't deny it
I scream it out
I scream it out
Who can I trust
Who can I trust
Who can I trust
Oh god
Who can I trust
album címe: Outcast
megjelenés: 2006
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: Nuclear Blast
zeneszerző: Farkas Zoltán
szövegíró: Farkas Zoltán
stílus: Thrash Metal, Hardcore
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1715