A king for yesterday (A tegnap itthagyott)

Tunyogi Rock Band

Call me a fool, mm so easy,
Word has been said before.
It's been a long time, since you could heard me,
Though it has happens before.

A thousand years on my soul,
If I want to tell you, would you know
'Cause how much I was yours, get it's all

I don't know much outside my music,
And then I drink too much again.
Maybe that my stars say downstairs are comin'
Downstairs are fredge all again.

A thousand years on my soul,
Memory's linger can let go,
I still wanna be yours, make me home!

A king for yesterday,
A fallen stone today.
I'll tell you more,
If to the end you stay

A king for yesterday,
A fallen stone today won.

A king for yesterday,
A fallen stone today,
I'll tell you more
In just my simple way.

A king for yesterday,
A fallen stone today,
I'll tell you then,
If to the end you stay.
előadó: Tunyogi Rock Band
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 1997
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Horváth Attila
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szövegíró: Horváth Attila
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stílus: Hard Rock
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 4596
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