Really girl


I never thought this
Little girl what have you done to me
I also like that you can just be you
I wanted so many times already
I never thought I'd be here
You are the prettiest
What have you done to me, girl.

You're who I think, feel
Girl, you're only mine
It does not matter now you're always going to be the only one.
The only girl, I love you
It is precious to me
The one with whom to live my life
You are the real girl
Whom always wanted.
You're a real girl, who I hear and feel
My favorite girl.

My favorite girl, the only
My favorite girl, never the second.

Much has ever made ​​a mistake
Who knows why it was
But be yourself with me
Or the one who did not buy clothes
Or so good as you are, so I need you.
You say that love
which is not just a dream come true
Never but never
Mount the dream come true so she
And show how to feel.

You're who I think, feel
Girl, you're only mine
It does not matter now you're always going to be the only one.
The only girl, I love you
It is precious to me
The one with whom to live my life
You are the real girl
Whom always wanted.
You're a real girl, who I hear and feel
My favorite girl.

My favorite girl, the only
My favorite girl, never the second.

The one that keeps you on my breath
I love you I want to
And do not just say
I seriously feel everything
You are the true love
the only one who really madden
Confused you,
It crazy a girl
What have you done to me, girl.

You're who I think, feel
Girl, you're only mine
It does not matter now you're always going to be the only one.
The only girl, I love you
It is precious to me
The one with whom to live my life
You are the real girl
Whom always wanted.
You're a real girl, who I hear and feel
My favorite girl.

My favorite girl, the only
My favorite girl, never the second.
előadó: Key.C.
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2012
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: keressük!
stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 1485
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