Eat My Brains


Why don't we jump into the fire, why don't we get clean?
Why don't we do it?!
Why don't we take back the power, why don't we keep it here?
Why don't we do it?!
Or why don't we run into the woods, oh why don't we hide?
Why don't we do it?!
Or why don't we rise from our ashes, why don't we fight?
Why don't we stand up and fight?

Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains
Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains

Suck on my thoughts and become wiser

Why don't we spread out our wings, why don't we fly away?
Why don't we do it?
Why don't we raise our fists and say what we have to say?
Why don't we do it?
Or why don't we run into the woods, oh why don't we hide?
Why don't we do it?!
Or why don't we rise from our ashes, why don't we fight?
Why don't we stand up and fight?

Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains
Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains

And moral of the story it goes a little something like this:

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the strongest of us all
Who can do it, who can do it
Who's the strongest getting through it
Mirror, mirror on the wall
It's my reflection on parole
It's my shadow running free
It's leaving me, it's leaving me

Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains
Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains
Eat my brains - rip off my head and suck out my brains
Eat my brains - rip my head off and suck my brains off it's all yours
előadó: Superbutt
album címe: The Unbeatable Eleven
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: 3:37
kiadó: Magneoton / mTon
zeneszerző: Gábor Béla
Mahboubi Salim
Szentpéteri Zsolt
Szűcs Szabolcs
Vörös András

szövegíró: Gábor Béla
Mahboubi Salim
Szentpéteri Zsolt
Szűcs Szabolcs
Vörös András

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 2137
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

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