
The Carbonfools

I cross my fingers for you to win your grand prize
But I cannot bear to have you here anymore
Your ears have grown and you should see your teeth from the outside
Your voice is changing, you eat too much oats anymore (?)
Maybe you let your brain grow back with your TV
Or maybe your diet just went totally wrong

And I gotta feeling that you’re just turning to a DONKEY
And I can’t resist to write about it in a song

Shaped like man but head's like donkey,
Shaped like a girl but your voice ain’t funky
Shaped like man but head's like donkey,
Shaped like a girl but your voice ain’t funky,
Oohh baby I see you changing
Oohh baby the change is wrong
Oohh baby my mind's escaping
Oohh baby you Donkey Kong

The first time I met you I really thought that you’re so clever
But now I cannot take these sounds, what you say
All that I hear is your („he hasn’t” „she hasn’t”, ???)
And you step on my feet with your hoofs so I run away

Shaped like man but head's like donkey,
Shaped like a girl but your voice ain’t funky
Shaped like man but head's like donkey,
Shaped like a girl but your voice ain’t funky,
Oohh baby I see you changing
Oohh baby the change is wrong
Oohh baby my mind's escaping
Oohh baby you Donkey Kong
előadó: The Carbonfools
album címe: Carbonsweet
megjelenés: 2012
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: 1G Records
zeneszerző: Bicskei Titusz
Fekete István Péter
Keleti Tamás
Miklós Milán Márió

szövegíró: Bicskei Titusz
Fehér Balázs

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3715
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