
The Carbonfools

Give me a kiss
And I’ll go carzy for Chris
You please me with tricks
I’ll put on my kicks

I’ll run till the end
God I can’t see no borders
I am so dried out
But I’ll got

But I’ll got no thanks no orders
No thanks no curtains
No pressure my hood
Still covers me good

No kisses no love
No critic no crime
Those lyrics in lines
Just ready to die

Don’t let me just kiss you mama
Let me just kiss you mama
Let me just miss you mama
Let me just miss you mama

Don’t let me just miss you mama
Let me just kiss you mama
Let me just miss you mama
Let me just miss you mama

If you never had a crazy mama
If you ever had a crazy mama
If you ever had a good lord
Never had a good lord
Ever had a crazy mama

If you never had a crazy mama
If you ever had a crazy mama
If you ever had a good lord
Never had a good lord
Ever had a crazy mama

These black lips were great lips
You don’t have to take this
But this kiss
Isn’t just yours
You see the rain it falls
Surprises of your past does not fit my present
First from the lasts
I can’t feel you’re present

Is this the end of us
You heard me Janet
With improvise a whole life
You can’t hurt me Janet
With Christians and Christs
You can’t hurt me Janet
I ain’t scared
You just heard me jamming

My divine she rises
But she survives
Hopelessly gone
For the reach of god
On the way through the clouds
She fall asleep
You wake her up
When she reached the sweets

She tweets
When she needs
She lies
When she cries
With her eyes wide open
She’s surprised
She introduces herself
Herself to god
There’s no response
There is no response

If you never had a crazy mama
If you ever had a crazy mama
If you ever had a good lord
Never had a good lord
Ever had a crazy mama

If you never had a crazy mama
If you ever had a crazy mama
If you ever had a good lord
Never had a good lord
Ever had a crazy mama

We don’t die over love
But we die overseas
So we take this early mornin’
To cry for the sake of please
We don’t die over love
But we die overseas
So we take this early mornin’
To cry for the sake of please

We don’t die over love
But we die overseas
So we take this early mornin’
To cry for the sake of please

We don’t die over love
I’ll just go go…
előadó: The Carbonfools
album címe: Carbonbliss
megjelenés: 2014
hossz: 4:22
kiadó: 1G Records
zeneszerző: Bicskei Titusz
Fehér Balázs
Fekete István Péter
Miklós Milán Márió

szövegíró: Bicskei Titusz
Fehér Balázs
Fekete István Péter
Miklós Milán Márió

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2388
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