Made in China


When the first emperor Chin was Born
Noone would have thought
That after some 2000 years
We'd all wear chinese coats

The gun powder, the paper and the silk
I'm sure you know
Just look down at your shoes my friend
It's chinese,huh? Let's go!

The world is made in china

Your wisdom Mr Confucius
Ya, still sounds very cool
I'd rather have a springroll, baby
Chinese dishes rule

Noone seems to work but them
Oh, what a crazy time
By the way the USA
Is baggin' for a dime

The world is made in China


*At the beginning of life, Man are naturally good their natures are the same. Their habits become widely different. If you do not practice all the time, the nature will deteriorate. During the way of learning it, the successful key is to make love with only one person. Perviously a great mother named Mrs. Mon chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence. She taught her son that "if you doesn't study hard, your dick will become useless and broken." A famous person called Dou, owned a very effective exciting medicine. He taught five students, then their teaching ability became well-known.
előadó: Quimby
album címe: Ajjajjaj
megjelenés: 2009
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: Tom-Tom Records
zeneszerző: Balanyi Szilárd
Kiss Tibor
Mikuli Ferenc
Varga Livius

szövegíró: Kiss Tibor
Varga Livius

stílus: Alternatív rock, progresszív rock
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 12099
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