Color TV

Voler Mouche

How nice it is tonight
That you're here and so am I
Being with you I feel so secure
For all my problems out there you're the cure

You tell me what to eat
You tell me what to drink
You tell me what to look like

You show me what to wear
You show me what to drive
You show me what to buy

You teach me how to play
You teach me how to smile
You teach me how to cry

You tell me what to hate
You tell me what to like
You tell me what's wrong and what's right

How nice it's again tonight
The same as yesterday it was and it will be like
Tomorrow and you'll be there anytime
When I need you until the end of times

To tell me what to do
To tell me what to seek
To tell me what to find

To show me how to hate
To show me how to love
To show me what a kiss is like

To teach me how to breathe
To teach me how to live
To teach me how to die

To tell me what to think
To tell me what to sing
To tell me in black and white

Color TV, You are so divine
Like a good God you make us, people unite
You give us such a wonder.. wonderful time
And we're the happy sheep with eyes riveted on the sight

Color TV, You are so divine
Like a good God you make us, people unite
You give us such a wonder.. wonderful time
And we're the happy sheep with eyes riveted on the sight and..

Color TV, You are so divine
Like a good God you make us, people unite
You give us such a wonder.. wonderful time
You broadcast the signal and we receive it right

/Color TV, Color TV, you make me sleep...
Color TV, Color TV, you make me sleep...
Color TV
Color TV, you make me sleep../
előadó: Voler Mouche
album címe: keressük!
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kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Miski Ádám

szövegíró: Szarvas Péter

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2751
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