Lucky Me

Heaven Street Seven

And i woke up to the sunshine
Of a morning that could never be
Surpassed by
Any scene in the rest of my life
While my darling was in the kitchen
I drew my rifle on my back
And soon we were setting out
For the bustle of the fair

Remote sinister\'s drawing nearer
Soundwaves indicate it clearer
Anticipation is the drug of the nation
But i am none of these things lucky me
So we acted like nothing could happen
You know, pretending was our only weapon
I was just driving the car
And my honey was crooning a tune
The matter brought us together

The wind started blowing
Corns were rolling stephen king he said
\'good morning\' caught sight of the truth
Above flowered field
I got trough this alive
Lucky me!
előadó: Heaven Street Seven
album címe: Budapest Dolls
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: Magneoton
zeneszerző: Balczer Gábor
Németh Róbert
Orbán Gyula
Szűcs B. Krisztian

szövegíró: Szűcs B. Krisztian

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 4167
Tudod mi az a MOODLYRIX

Egy olyan hangulatkártya, melynek segítségével pillanatnyi érzelmeidet tudod kifejezni. Keresd a fejlécben a kis hangulat ikonokat.
