Sound of Our Hearts

Compact Disco

"The whole big world, it's just one place,
you can say it's all the same
You may feel, hatred's sows,
we can show it's no way to go.

This is the sound of our hearts, if you listen
This is a zeal from above and it can say it all
This a fever they can't take away,
this is the sound of, the sound, the sound of our hearts.
The sound of hearts, the sound of our hearts.

Harmony can be achieved,
Just find some way to get connected
Differences may not be wrong,
They enrich the things that we know.
Different faiths, different views
All we can do is to turn them in key.

This is the sound of our hearts, if you listen
This is a zeal from above and it can say it all
This a fever they can't take away,
this is the sound of, the sound, the sound of our hearts.
The sound of hearts, the sound of our hearts.

This is the sound of our hearts, if you listen
This is a zeal from above and it can say it all
This a fever they can't take away,
this is the sound of, the sound, the sound of our hearts.
The sound of hearts, the sound of our hearts."
előadó: Compact Disco
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2011
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Lotfi Begi
Pál Gábor
Sándor Attila
Walkó Csaba

szövegíró: Lotfi Begi
Pál Gábor
Sándor Attila
Walkó Csaba

stílus: electro-pop
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 26900
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