
The Trousers

That was the day
That you stole my heart away
That was the day when I lost my mind

That was the time
I really thought that you were mine
That was the time since I’d been going down

I’m sleeping like the sun
Tryin’ to believe no one
I ain’t gonna run
I guess I’ve found the only one

She’s a revelation
One in her generation

That was the hour
When I met you int he shower
Where I used to eat your custard pie

That was the place
Where I felt so warm and safe
That was the thing I thought that I was born for

I’m sleeping like the sun
Tryin’ to believe no one
I ain’t gonna run
I guess I’ve found the only one

She’s a revelation
One in her generation


I’m sleeping like the sun
Tryin’ to believe no one
I ain’t gonna run
I guess I’ve found the only one

She’s a revelation
One in her generation
előadó: The Trousers
album címe: Soul Machine
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: Twelvetones Records
zeneszerző: Kőváry Zoltán

szövegíró: Kőváry Zoltán

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1629
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