When there's nothing left to die for

Bridge to Solace

When there's no air left to breath in
When there's no place left to lay our heads
Our bodies soaking wer and bleeding
our hearts yearning, our minds dreaming
Of a place worth dying for
Of a heritage of something new
In this wasteland of something borrowed, something blue

What will I leave behind
When there's nothing
Out there that I can call mine

What will I be proud of
When there's nothing
Out there that I could die for

When there's no bridges left to burn
When there's nothing left for sale
our bodies sucked dry
Our hearts bleeding, our minds tricked
With the images of a future
Where's nothing worth to strive for
Where's nothing worth to die for

When there's nothing left to die for
Then we never made an impact
When there's nothing left to die for
Then we have never lived
When there's nothing left to die for
Then there's no heritage
When there's nothing left to die for
Then there's no war, there's no peace

There's no one left to fight
There's no one left in sight
There's no enemy left but the ones the mirror reflects

There's no one to make a difference
There's no one left to blame
But us all, but us all, but us all for giving up in vain

What will I leave behind
When there's nothing
Out there that I can call mine

What will I be proud of
When there's nothing
Out there that I could die for
előadó: Bridge to Solace
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2009
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: Zoltan Jakab

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1676
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