Parkway Drive: videós riport az ausztrál turnéról - koncert az MVM Dome-ban
Parkway Drive: videós riport az ausztrál turnéról - koncert az MVM Dome-ban
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Fatoumata Diawara ingyenes koncertjével indul a Ritmo a Városligetben
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A One Ok Rock Budapesten zárja világkörüli turnéját
A Madách Színház pályázatot hirdet új magyar musical megalkotására
Megvannak a 2025-ös Fonogram-jelöltek
Április 8-án jön a Fonogram-nap, a magyar zenei élet ünnepe
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Parkway Drive: videós riport az ausztrál turnéról - koncert az MVM Dome-ban
Júniusban Budapestre érkezik az Il Divo
Buzás Bence idei első dalában természetfelettiség és egyszerre természetközeliség ütközik
Fatoumata Diawara ingyenes koncertjével indul a Ritmo a Városligetben
Ez volt a magyar nézők 10 kedvenc filmje a télen
A Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? című magyar film vezeti a listát
A One Ok Rock Budapesten zárja világkörüli turnéját
A Madách Színház pályázatot hirdet új magyar musical megalkotására
Megvannak a 2025-ös Fonogram-jelöltek
Április 8-án jön a Fonogram-nap, a magyar zenei élet ünnepe
Bridge to Solace:
I am the faithless, I am the misanthrope
I have lost my faith in the human race I have lost my way in this human maze Of endless hypocrisy and lies Sucking up and stomping down Where do I turn when there's no one left to believe in Wh
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
These maps written by blood
This is my song for the hate of this world. So you wanna see us be the next in line as we march to the dead with our heads silently bowed. Let’s fucking tear our lives apart, cut our veins so our
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Some are born to wander Some are born to run Some are born to oppose Some are born to hide Some are born to escape Some are born to bleed Some are born to die alone Some are born to survive
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Deathrace with dimension 4
As I watch this clock ticking the seconds of my life away. As I watch myself selling my life out. As I walk these streets of this city closed within dirty walls. The cold wind dries the passion of
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
House of the dying sun
There is a house in the East They call the Dying Sun And it's been the ruin of many poor boys And god wouldn't know who's the one Only if god existed To hear your prayers that Fell upon deaf e
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
In search of
Fantasize! In our dreams we are so tough but this one punch we call waking up kills everything we we carefully planned in our warm beds of hate, of love, of sick mindgames. In search of love I'v
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Will you rewrite history with me?
Will you take my hand, and rewrite history with me? Will you catch my breath, hold my face in your hands, look deep into my eyes, and scream that we will make it? Or end up just like all those million
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
I still believe! This was all, when I needed arms to hold me tight and lips to kiss my cheeks. And you still ask why I am holding on to this? This was all when I needed a corner to hide and a pla
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Drag me down with all you've got with patterns and dogmas designed to kill whats still alive and we're left to march through the buried thirsty for status, hungry for symbols amidst slogans echoi
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Paper Bags And Plastic Cups
And these neon lights just burn our eyes, while dead air's filling our lungs. We slave away our lives instead of dancing in the remains of this forgotten world. We are just the objects of trade in t
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Rethink. Redefine. Revolt.
Why are we casting these stones around? Who are those we aim? Are they the mystical "them", or is it just a mirror of ourselves reflecting how apathetic we really are? Let's throw stones at the bar
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Like sheep led to slaughter
The herd keeps marching The dogs keep barking And you will never know That all your molotows That all the bricks you threw Are just another power's tools You're feeding no fire You're fooled in
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
In The Shadow Of Death
Speechless I lay down my head. Shaking from this feeling of emptiness. Every fucking time I try to create definitions of what my missions are, and why are we brought to this world when the end resul
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Where nightmares and dreams unite
Today is the day when I have given up Looking for any reasons On how my brightest heaven Turned into my darkest hell How can poison be this sweet How can I be left thirsting for More and more
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
How Long Do We Have To Bear Our Fucking Crosses?
I know that sometimes is not easy to forgive me, but I fucking swear I still bear this cross, and sometimes I even felt the need to bear thousand fucking more. I had my share from this stinky piece o
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
I am the faithless, I am the misanthrope
I have lost my faith in the human race I have lost my way in this human maze Of endless hypocrisy and lies Sucking up and stomping down Where do I turn when there's no one left to believe in Wh
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
These maps written by blood
This is my song for the hate of this world. So you wanna see us be the next in line as we march to the dead with our heads silently bowed. Let’s fucking tear our lives apart, cut our veins so our
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Some are born to wander Some are born to run Some are born to oppose Some are born to hide Some are born to escape Some are born to bleed Some are born to die alone Some are born to survive
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Deathrace with dimension 4
As I watch this clock ticking the seconds of my life away. As I watch myself selling my life out. As I walk these streets of this city closed within dirty walls. The cold wind dries the passion of
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
House of the dying sun
There is a house in the East They call the Dying Sun And it's been the ruin of many poor boys And god wouldn't know who's the one Only if god existed To hear your prayers that Fell upon deaf e
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
In search of
Fantasize! In our dreams we are so tough but this one punch we call waking up kills everything we we carefully planned in our warm beds of hate, of love, of sick mindgames. In search of love I'v
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
Will you rewrite history with me?
Will you take my hand, and rewrite history with me? Will you catch my breath, hold my face in your hands, look deep into my eyes, and scream that we will make it? Or end up just like all those million
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bridge to Solace:
I still believe! This was all, when I needed arms to hold me tight and lips to kiss my cheeks. And you still ask why I am holding on to this? This was all when I needed a corner to hide and a pla
tovább a dalszöveghez
Bocs, hogy
ByeAlex és a Slepp
Lovakat akarok rajzolni
Napoleon Boulevard
Túlvezérelt álom
Új Látásmód Fúzió
Makmak Jungle
A Kutya Vacsorája
Vásári rigmus Penge Mackie-ről
Egyéb szövegek
Rapperek punkja
D. Nagy és a Frakció
Korda György
Dal a Magyar Madártani Egylethez
Bocs, hogy
ByeAlex és a Slepp
Lovakat akarok rajzolni
Napoleon Boulevard
Túlvezérelt álom
Új Látásmód Fúzió
Makmak Jungle
A Kutya Vacsorája
Vásári rigmus Penge Mackie-ről
Egyéb szövegek
Rapperek punkja
D. Nagy és a Frakció