Edda-musical, Máté Péter-emlékest, Ocho Macho- és Ismerős Arcok-koncert is lesz a Szigligeti Várudvarban
Edda-musical, Máté Péter-emlékest, Ocho Macho- és Ismerős Arcok-koncert is lesz a Szigligeti Várudvarban
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Mézesvölgyi Nyár fesztivál: a Bagossy, Stohl András, Király Viktor, Csonka András és a Neoton is fellép
Mesébe illő, kalandos élettörténet jegyében született Nyári Bernadett új videóklipje
Morcheeba, Kurt Elling, Youssou N'Dour, Eliane Elias, Cory Wong is fellép a Müpában
A Söndörgő a 30. születésnapjára készül tanítványokkal és mesterekkel
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Edda-musical, Máté Péter-emlékest, Ocho Macho- és Ismerős Arcok-koncert is lesz a Szigligeti Várudvarban
Iron Maiden: dokumentumfilm készül a legendás zenekarról
Ember Márk rendezésében mutatják be a Thália Színházban az Életed hétvégéje című darabot
Komolyzenei fesztivált rendeznek Szegeden
Mézesvölgyi Nyár fesztivál: a Bagossy, Stohl András, Király Viktor, Csonka András és a Neoton is fellép
Mesébe illő, kalandos élettörténet jegyében született Nyári Bernadett új videóklipje
Morcheeba, Kurt Elling, Youssou N'Dour, Eliane Elias, Cory Wong is fellép a Müpában
A Söndörgő a 30. születésnapjára készül tanítványokkal és mesterekkel
Judie Jay:
Feed Me
Come into my bar Taste it all by far Gimme lot's of salt Shame for my indulge Sweets don't get me high I greet my need to cry Milk, I like it hot You wanna give it a shot? Gimme more, Gimme
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Wind It On Back
Too clear, unfair No friends to spare Too dark, unclean The air turned mean Too much, too poor, Act like a fool, Suffer a blow get sick but grow. Wind it on back,Wind it on back, Wind it
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
No Pain No Fun
Rather cooler than hot, Rather louder than not, Don't need you to judge, No pain, no fun. Know where I belong, No pain, no fun. Don't need you to judge. No pain, no gun.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
One of Us
Prepare yourself For the people are walking behind you. Beware my dear, For people are talking behind you. Seems you don' drink coffee no more And you ain't missing that bag of clothes, Well I
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
As I drank he cought my eye Was spoken to, but heard none I Hudreds stood between us two But none could break the line we drew. His power I felt still staring on Minutes flew past but we hung o
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Glory Girl
Glory girl As casual as A child with fake pretense Mark her red And expose her friends To the truth behind all that fab Could sound as gray As an evening in Pest Looking for innocence.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Human Again
If we belong, if we have strength Can we obey and still keep our sense If we stand strong, too proud to bend Can we become, human again. Us girls we tend, to take the man Away from the guy we c
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
I Care
Pulled up in his broken Caddy She got down with one too many Broke a nail and got real angry Don't you have something to do my dear child His is too small, hers is too big It won't dry if you don
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
More Than A Feeling
All I wish to become Is someone who bothers me fewer Can't go givin' me up, I wan'na be part of my future Hush now, pulse it out Leave it for Papa to sculpture Can't go givin' it up Know it
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
And much too often it seems to win the respect of your own self you must first feel respected by your friends we see no greatness in misperfection though it is the base of our conception thou
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Feed Me
Come into my bar Taste it all by far Gimme lot's of salt Shame for my indulge Sweets don't get me high I greet my need to cry Milk, I like it hot You wanna give it a shot? Gimme more, Gimme
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Wind It On Back
Too clear, unfair No friends to spare Too dark, unclean The air turned mean Too much, too poor, Act like a fool, Suffer a blow get sick but grow. Wind it on back,Wind it on back, Wind it
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
No Pain No Fun
Rather cooler than hot, Rather louder than not, Don't need you to judge, No pain, no fun. Know where I belong, No pain, no fun. Don't need you to judge. No pain, no gun.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
One of Us
Prepare yourself For the people are walking behind you. Beware my dear, For people are talking behind you. Seems you don' drink coffee no more And you ain't missing that bag of clothes, Well I
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
As I drank he cought my eye Was spoken to, but heard none I Hudreds stood between us two But none could break the line we drew. His power I felt still staring on Minutes flew past but we hung o
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Glory Girl
Glory girl As casual as A child with fake pretense Mark her red And expose her friends To the truth behind all that fab Could sound as gray As an evening in Pest Looking for innocence.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
Human Again
If we belong, if we have strength Can we obey and still keep our sense If we stand strong, too proud to bend Can we become, human again. Us girls we tend, to take the man Away from the guy we c
tovább a dalszöveghez
Judie Jay:
I Care
Pulled up in his broken Caddy She got down with one too many Broke a nail and got real angry Don't you have something to do my dear child His is too small, hers is too big It won't dry if you don
tovább a dalszöveghez
Ennyi kell ft. Rico
Gratulálok (te is felnőttél)
Pluto (Berettyóújfalu)
Nyári eső
Dolce Vita
Sajt (dBalage Mix)
Sub Bass Monster
Kolompos Együttes
Valami nagyon hideg kék
Kis falu a Bakony alján...
Magyar nóták
Irigy Hónaljmirigy
Gyermek (km. Andi)
Ennyi kell ft. Rico
Gratulálok (te is felnőttél)
Pluto (Berettyóújfalu)
Nyári eső
Dolce Vita
Sajt (dBalage Mix)
Sub Bass Monster
Kolompos Együttes
Valami nagyon hideg kék
Kis falu a Bakony alján...
Magyar nóták