Gin with Lime


Tonight our only thoughts are super light, feather light
So cool, we drink but icy gin with lime
Success is hot, so let's say forever is tonight

I lift my body up we're high
We're swimming in the starlit sky
In heaven sources never dry
I lift my body up, body up

So cool, we drink but icy gin with lime
Success is hot, so let's say forever is tonight

I lift my body up, we're cool
We're swimming in the starlit pool
In heaven groovin is the rule
I lift my body up, body up

Nothing counts, nothing matters
I see ourselves as weightless feathers
We're connected, we are fellows
Shadows swinging in our shadows
I feel it coming, I feel it in my veins
I'm taking speed, give me more refrains
Wash your hands, please no stains
Here it happens, here it remains
Nobody knows so nobody blames us
Let the carpet burn and blaze
The winner only knows what he gains
What gravity, oh my god
Living is easy as swimming in mud
My limbs get washed away in the flood
My name I forgot, my name I forgot
előadó: Bin-Jip
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: 2014
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Gyémánt Bálint
Harcsa Veronika
Józsa András

szövegíró: Gyémánt Bálint
Harcsa Veronika
Józsa András

stílus: Alternatív Jazz, alternatív indie
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1782
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