Chris Rea november 6-án a Budapest Arénában A Road Songs For Lovers turné Magyarországra érkezik tovább
Utcazene Zenészek, zenekarok, zenekedvelők figyelem! Júliusban és augusztusban minden szombaton kötetlen zenélésre hívunk mindenkit a Millenáris parkjába. tovább
Elindult a Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH) eljárása a Google ellen Folytatódik Dávid és Góliát harca! tovább
The Unbending Trees: You are a lover you are a lover from today can you afford to dump a friend? will you ignore me again? will he always be there? and now you’re walking hand in hand demonstrating something unreal I know it fe tovább a dalszöveghez 9696
The Unbending Trees: Overture What’s this fear I sense in your movements What’s this terror that your made-up smile sends? What’s this image that you made of yourself? What’s this quiet sound that’s crying for help? tovább a dalszöveghez 4986
The Unbending Trees: Alfred's Lovesong I'd rather drop this stone that's on my chest back to the deep it wouldn't be so scary now to try and go to sleep you know this is just the way we are it's nothing really serious you know it's tovább a dalszöveghez 4979
The Unbending Trees: Messages See it�s over, did it hurt you? Is it the end? Can you fly or can you hear the Messages I send? Is it nice or disappointing? To be across the line Or would you rather be on my side & Tr tovább a dalszöveghez 3800
The Unbending Trees: The First Day 1, if i learnt how to move my fingers through the air i could move them on my own that's when we're there 2, if i had voice to speak if i had time to weap i could live my life alone that's wh tovább a dalszöveghez 2781