Kőműves Zsolt
stílus: Modern Metal
megjelenés: 2011
kiadó: szerző kiadás
ISBC kód: Keressük!
zeneszerző: Wrong Side
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1392
Rotfront és Gypo Circus- kettős lemezbemutató koncert Budapesten és Berlinben
Szegedre jön a svéd Rihanna
Újabb rekordot döntött a Budapest Park
Még soha ennyien nem fordultak meg egy évadban a szórakozóhelyen
Cirque du Quimby
Május 31. Budapest Park
Zeneszöveg színpad a Magyar Dal Napján szeptember 13-14. - Szentendrén az Elevenkertben
Színházi- és utcaszínházi előadások a VéNégy Fesztiválon
November közepén a mozikban a Libertate '89 – Nagyszeben című történelmi dráma
A filmekben is keresd a zenét
Taio Cruzzal robbant a 2025-ös Deja Vu Fesztivál
Ki az az oldskool Sisi? Koncert az Akváriumban
A Queens of The Stone Age újra Budapesten
Játssz velünk és nyerd meg az új Európa Kiadó albumot!
Hangfoglaló Backstage Klubturné beszámoló
Peter Srámek a magyar homokdűnék ikonikus helyén énekelt Istenhez
Vikidál 70, Zeffer 60, Mobilmánia 10
Életműkoncert kavalkád az Arénában
A Góbé táncházas koncerttel és live lemezzel zárja az évet
Rotfront és Gypo Circus- kettős lemezbemutató koncert Budapesten és Berlinben
Szegedre jön a svéd Rihanna
Újabb rekordot döntött a Budapest Park
Még soha ennyien nem fordultak meg egy évadban a szórakozóhelyen
Cirque du Quimby
Május 31. Budapest Park
Zeneszöveg színpad a Magyar Dal Napján szeptember 13-14. - Szentendrén az Elevenkertben
Színházi- és utcaszínházi előadások a VéNégy Fesztiválon
November közepén a mozikban a Libertate '89 – Nagyszeben című történelmi dráma
A filmekben is keresd a zenét
Taio Cruzzal robbant a 2025-ös Deja Vu Fesztivál
Wrong Side:
Already Dead
Diseased by the lack of sanity and hope It’s a disfigured body that tries to reshape And the parts just doesn’t fit anymore Pathetic shake of the nerves and muscles In struggle and pain, you
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
So I Began
So I began with a sweet nice word to impress you, to fit in this world As on cocaine we lost control I don't need you now to make me whole You slapped me in the face well that's a call for fig
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
No Secret
Forbidden fruits from the Fractures of eden! I must have a taste of you to calm my hunger. I stumble through woods of sin, dance with the demons if that is the price to pay. Give it to me, le
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Tears Never Came
Gathered to see The downfall of me Weak and empty, shivering But tears never came out Why can't you see you're not what you wanna be? Is this the way you show that you're worth it? Your fing
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Purity Itself
Another messy night in the heart of the town I throw myself in to see if I drown As I walk down the stairs I can see the crowd I’ve got the mission now to make them proud I drank too much again
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
9 seconds
I'm bleeding, still bleeding from the scars you made on me The feeling is tearing me apart, growing over me I can't remember when I met you the first time Impressions were good, you smoothly tri
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Out Here
I hear what you whisper Small secrets, silent laughter I see trust became stronger Why? Why is it so damn cold here? How? How did I ever get out here? Gently you're crawling closer It coul
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Wrong Side
-If I have to break the chains, I will -I have the strength, believe me. -If I have to spill my blood, I will -It only hurts at first believe me. No I don’t care, I’m on the wrong side All
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
...the heart that bleeds and the friends who lie Blinding me with their evil smile Kept far away from the flaming fire She protected me with her watching eye From a heart that bleeds and friends
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
No one has seen me like this All the bodies are in shape I realized I was awake all the time and I can't blame my dreams anymore No one has seen me like this It's more difficult to hide
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
A hole to fill
I’ve seen the chances dissappear in sweet unity Illusions turn to dust, so there will be a hole to fill. Today I lost what i had left inside to be human An empty cave is left with all the ambe
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Slow motion
Pumping brains and bloodshot eyes I saw heaven in their lies The only way to get through this A little pain, a silent hiss My only wish was living a better life with a little more than the usu
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Turn Of Mind
The lies you find are left behind I saw the arms that killed the trees I saw the feet that killed the wolves I smelled the stink of the other world I fell in the eyes of the unknown ghost T
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Holding on
Holding on, till i'll be gone, the line's not drawn for me Growing over all the good I've lost cos they grow on every tree It would be so good to kill you right now This is the only thing I can t
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Art is a weapon
I felt the muse blowing me a kiss and I Saw the vision of a million sheep in line to sing to I used to think what I say doesn't matter at all But now I've got the spark, and I hear the call Use
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Already Dead
Diseased by the lack of sanity and hope It’s a disfigured body that tries to reshape And the parts just doesn’t fit anymore Pathetic shake of the nerves and muscles In struggle and pain, you
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
So I Began
So I began with a sweet nice word to impress you, to fit in this world As on cocaine we lost control I don't need you now to make me whole You slapped me in the face well that's a call for fig
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
No Secret
Forbidden fruits from the Fractures of eden! I must have a taste of you to calm my hunger. I stumble through woods of sin, dance with the demons if that is the price to pay. Give it to me, le
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Tears Never Came
Gathered to see The downfall of me Weak and empty, shivering But tears never came out Why can't you see you're not what you wanna be? Is this the way you show that you're worth it? Your fing
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Purity Itself
Another messy night in the heart of the town I throw myself in to see if I drown As I walk down the stairs I can see the crowd I’ve got the mission now to make them proud I drank too much again
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
9 seconds
I'm bleeding, still bleeding from the scars you made on me The feeling is tearing me apart, growing over me I can't remember when I met you the first time Impressions were good, you smoothly tri
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Out Here
I hear what you whisper Small secrets, silent laughter I see trust became stronger Why? Why is it so damn cold here? How? How did I ever get out here? Gently you're crawling closer It coul
tovább a dalszöveghez
Wrong Side:
Wrong Side
-If I have to break the chains, I will -I have the strength, believe me. -If I have to spill my blood, I will -It only hurts at first believe me. No I don’t care, I’m on the wrong side All
tovább a dalszöveghez