The Emptiness, The Rage and Me
Pit of Saron
megjelenés: 2016
ISBC kód: Keressük!
zeneszerző: Pit of Saron
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 633

megjelenés: 2016
ISBC kód: Keressük!
zeneszerző: Pit of Saron
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 633
Szentiváni Retro Fesztivál most hétvégén
Győrszentiván május 06 - 08.
TUDÓSÍTÁS: Tünet Együttes x AGAVOID x Égjárók
Hajógyár x A38 – Zene x Tánc-est
Multikolor – Teljes a line-up a 12. Paloznaki Jazzpikniken
Halott Pénz Fesztivál augusztus 20-án Zamárdiban a STRAND FESZTIVÁLON!
Nagykorú lett idén az egyik legnépszerűbb hazai zenekar.
Spotify- és YouTube-slágerek szövegelemzése
Alkotók és jogosultak közös levele az EU AI rendeletének végrehajtásáról
NYERJ NÁLUNK JEGYET A SunCity - a Holnap tali!-musical következő előadására!
Epica és Apocalyptica koncert Budapesten
Rászorulók kapják meg a Sziget Fesztiválon hátrahagyott sátrakat
Titokzatos sárga ruhás figura Azahriah nyomában
2023-ban újra ZamJam Zamárdiban
Múzeumi kalandozások Kajlával
Ivan & The Parazol: csak a koncerten hallható az új lemez
Wastaps születésnapi koncert a Muzikumban
Hajógyár x A38▪️Flying Bodies▪️Superflake▪️Czeglady & Somody
Szentiváni Retro Fesztivál most hétvégén
Győrszentiván május 06 - 08.
TUDÓSÍTÁS: Tünet Együttes x AGAVOID x Égjárók
Hajógyár x A38 – Zene x Tánc-est
Multikolor – Teljes a line-up a 12. Paloznaki Jazzpikniken
Halott Pénz Fesztivál augusztus 20-án Zamárdiban a STRAND FESZTIVÁLON!
Nagykorú lett idén az egyik legnépszerűbb hazai zenekar.
Spotify- és YouTube-slágerek szövegelemzése
Alkotók és jogosultak közös levele az EU AI rendeletének végrehajtásáról
NYERJ NÁLUNK JEGYET A SunCity - a Holnap tali!-musical következő előadására!
Epica és Apocalyptica koncert Budapesten
Pit of Saron:
Charity for Emotions (Intro)
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
My Hatred
You have stabed me in the back. Oh i'm bleeding im dying right now. You have betrayed me and i don't know why. I'm bleeding to death because of you. Coz i don't wanted to be a betrayel too.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Missed Last Words
This is not what i wanted! Look at this fucking face I know that you have realized already That who the fuck is me! You are one of them who caused losing my sanity You took everything from
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Finding My Way Back
I've been trying to find my way back (HOME) But so far With no luck. (NO) I have never felt this way before. (WAY BEFORE) Let me go back where i belong. Oh father, Thank you so muc
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
That was then this is now. The screaming demons have gone. Where were you when they made this hole? When i was a fucking mess. I'm wonderin how did i survive. I don't know why am i here no
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
H.E.A.V.E.N. (Theme by createseparate)
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Fading Like Time (ft. Ákos Rábold)
It's enough to survive. Coz the spirit needs some rest. Before we will go to hell. Before we will die. Forsaken ground where we were born. We're just a faiding memory. Forsaken ground wh
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Bonus Track: Save Me (percussion by Máté Szabó)
It seems like i made it through the night again. I'm so tired i cant even feel the pain yeah. But you feel the same as I. We are tired to live this way. How will we make this happening? Wher
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
The lies are always anywhere. We head to the same dead end. The lights are confusing us. In order to dont know where we go. Do you want to know that what's my fucking opinion? The worms wi
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Something Went Wrong
Oh the endless fear has infected the mind. Open their eyes open their eyes beacuse it's intorelable. Who will stop their blood who would pull back them? Oh now i see no one no one does. How
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Lost In Confusion
Oh my boy what have you done with yourself? Don't you see that they're killing you? Stop! Stop! Stop! Before it's too late. You havent met them. (already) In every single minute time by
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Oh Hell
I can run the marathon. I can swim through the ocean. And i do this for only one thing. To live in your shade forever. Look at me i bleed to death. Come close to give me first aid. Or brin
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
I don't know how to go on! I need the strength but it has been lost. The purple circle is pulling me into the great gray nothing. I'm floating strengthless but where no one knows. No feelings
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Oh this empty space is falling on me. I wanna change but i cannot be. Where is my own world what i've dreamed once already? Where is the comfort what was promised? I've sacrificed all of my
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
An Other Perspective ft. Gabriella Besnyo (Nova Prospect)
I know That you are different. Or at least Just really wanna looking you like that. I'm standing still Between my past and my future try To tear me apart, Apart. I don't wanna move.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Charity for Emotions (Intro)
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
My Hatred
You have stabed me in the back. Oh i'm bleeding im dying right now. You have betrayed me and i don't know why. I'm bleeding to death because of you. Coz i don't wanted to be a betrayel too.
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Missed Last Words
This is not what i wanted! Look at this fucking face I know that you have realized already That who the fuck is me! You are one of them who caused losing my sanity You took everything from
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Finding My Way Back
I've been trying to find my way back (HOME) But so far With no luck. (NO) I have never felt this way before. (WAY BEFORE) Let me go back where i belong. Oh father, Thank you so muc
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
That was then this is now. The screaming demons have gone. Where were you when they made this hole? When i was a fucking mess. I'm wonderin how did i survive. I don't know why am i here no
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
H.E.A.V.E.N. (Theme by createseparate)
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Fading Like Time (ft. Ákos Rábold)
It's enough to survive. Coz the spirit needs some rest. Before we will go to hell. Before we will die. Forsaken ground where we were born. We're just a faiding memory. Forsaken ground wh
tovább a dalszöveghez
Pit of Saron:
Bonus Track: Save Me (percussion by Máté Szabó)
It seems like i made it through the night again. I'm so tired i cant even feel the pain yeah. But you feel the same as I. We are tired to live this way. How will we make this happening? Wher
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