Especially You

Mayberian Sanskülotts

When is first saw you,
we were in a fortress.
You were the handsome boy,
the prince from the tales,
but is was only a raped nun's
corpse on the ground.
You lugged me and push me
back into the ground.

Second was friday.
A cold a long friday
'couse Francois wasn't
emphasize the role
and we started to convulsion
in the dust of scene of Firenze.
You walked and told that:
Especially you.

It was hard and strong
but the showgirls are people too
like you dear cardinal
in you red, velvet robe.

Dirty, bloody and sore legs,
dead beatness in the air,
cigarette breaks between
the sections.
You looked me in the eye.

It was hard and strong
but the showgirls are people too
like you dear cardinal
in you red, velvet robe.

We were tired.
Especially you.
előadó: Mayberian Sanskülotts
album címe: PseudoDeath
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: 03:47
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: keressük!
stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 1277
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