Too early
Harcsa Veronika
then have a cup of tea in bed
tell you the whole curious story
that the night put in my head
oh I’d be so eager
to hear the life you’ve led
just to make this morning
a beginning and not an end
but you always leave too early
you always leave too soon
the beginning of a new day
and not the end of a night
I’m losing this hope somehow
so I drink the last drop of yesterday’s wine
what can I do now
if only I could find
your eyelashes on my pillow
my very last chance to feel you nigh
you always leave too early
you always leave too soon
someday you’ll stay and we’ll take time out
nothing to do but lounging around
that day you’ll start to know me better
I’ll give you shelter
I’ll give you love
album címe: You Don't Know It's You
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kiadó: szerzői kiadás
zeneszerző: Harcsa Veronika
szövegíró: Harcsa Veronika
stílus: keressük!
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napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 31124