How Dare You?


One day i realized you are within my lines
And accusing me without blinking eyes
I hoped it was just something what I dreamt
But when you were talking to me it was like a knife stabbed
in my back

Everything what was
is just a pinky sky
I can't take it go mad
Is this what I have to get

Why don't you tell me, please
Why do you torture me
Did I exer hurt you
Trust me a little
I was afraid of this can ever happen
God save me don't let this misery sharpen

But I set a fire inside
The flames tearing the past
What the hell I was doing beside you
My blood burst veins

Hate detest fear shame ache sorrow pain
Confidence honour morality truth justice

And what I thought of you
Has changed into something esle
My heart tightens up
I stay true in the dark

Why don't you tell me, please
Why do you torture me
Did I exer hurt you
Trust me a little
I was afraid of this can ever happen
God save me don't let this misery sharpen

No I will never give up
It doesn't appeal to me
All who considered me liar
Should turn on my grave
I keep myself in the air and fly
All fucked up bastard must die

Hate detest fear shame ache sorrow pain
előadó: Insane
album címe: keressük!
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Brünner Béla
Érsek Gábor
Kádár László
Molnár Bálint
Tóth Bertalan

szövegíró: Brünner Béla
Érsek Gábor
Kádár László
Molnár Bálint
Tóth Bertalan

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 4136
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