A culture of denial

Bridge to Solace

Torn between heavens and hells
being fed with seeds of a half-life
What we silently watch as bystanders
Should be lived instead, to our bests
Should be fought for, till the very end

Where's solace
Where's the peace of souls
In a culture of denial
Through the denial of death
We deny life, We deny our own
All dressed up and good to go to
The funeral march of the buried alive
Will we keep living in denial
or will we leave our marks?

Torn between rights and wrongs
Being stuck in the valley of death
What we silenty assist to
Is the rape of humanity
Is the rape of our lives
The very core of existence
Is stripped down to mere survival

Where's solace
Where's the peace of souls
In a culture of denial
Through the denial of death
We deny life, We deny our own
All dressed up and good to go to
The funeral march of the buried alive
Will we keep living in denial
or will we leave our marks?

Is the facade worth wearing
Is denial better than swearing
On our lives, On opening our eyes
On leaving our marks, On tearing down our bars

Torn apart - by a culture of denial
Cast aside - by a culture of denial

Torn between life and death
Torn between cursed and blessed
From the dawn of our species
We are destined to create
We are destined to leave
our marks on humanity
When will we stop denying?
When will we start again?
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napi megtekintések: 2
megtekintések száma: 1643
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