The Verdant


I wanna hide under your skin
Something wrong’s born
That’s not you sin
Neither mine
Oh that’s fine

Her little wings pressing mine
She staggers over my gravity
We compare what’s true
With what’s not sheer
One day you may see through this glass
And you will maybe put it to the test
The cog rolls fine
The machine falls down

Her little wings pressing mine
She staggers over my gravity
She will bewail past, present, future

That’s no race
You’re never gonna win
A grim new place
I know you’ve never been here
There’s no race
You’ll never win
A grim new place
You’ve never been here

Don’t tease me now!
Drop the gun
Don’t blame me more
Disaster or awakening?
But it’s no falling down
We are the price we have to pay
We are the burning ground!
We have to fall to get it back
You are already sick of trying
So just let it let it let it let it go!

Girl you’re not a God
You’re not a man
To be so verdant
Stop depraving
Vitiating all of us
No! No! No! No! No! No!

Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?
Is it gone? Is it gone? Is it gone?

Her little wings pressing mine
She staggers over my gravity
We compare what’s true
With what’s not sheer
előadó: Subscribe
album címe: This moment will soon be gone
megjelenés: 2014
hossz: 3:53
kiadó: Edge Records
zeneszerző: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté

szövegíró: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 3
megtekintések száma: 2782
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